Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Theo Katzman - Brooklyn

Things To Take Away/Learn

  • Strumming Pattern
  • Lyrics/ Rhyme Pattern

Andy Grammer - The Pocket

Things To Take Away

  • Chord Voicing
  • Progression
  • Strumming Pattern
  • Vocal Inflections 
  • Lyrics/Rhyme Patterns 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Top 20 Things Oprah Knows for Sure

1. What you put out comes back all the time, no matter what. (This is my creed.)

2. You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script.

3. Whatever someone did to you in the past has no power over the present. Only you give it power.

4. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. (A lesson from Maya Angelou.)

5. Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you.

6. What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you believe.

7. If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that will be enough. (From the German theologian and humanist Meister Eckhart.)

8. The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.

9. Failure is a signpost to turn you in another direction.

10. If you make a choice that goes against what everyone else thinks, the world will not fall apart.

11. Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn't lie.

12. Love yourself and then learn to extend that love to others in every encounter.

13. Let passion drive your profession. 

14. Find a way to get paid for doing what you love. Then every paycheck will be a bonus.

15. Love doesn't hurt. It feels really good.

16. Every day brings a chance to start over.

17. Being a mother is the hardest job on earth. Women everywhere must declare it so.

18. Doubt means don't. Don't move. Don't answer. Don't rush forward.

19. When you don't know what to do, get still. The answer will come.

20. "Trouble don't last always." (A line from a Negro spiritual, which calls to mind another favorite: This, too, shall pass.) 

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Monday, December 12, 2011

‎"You've got to follow your passion. You've got to figure out what it is you love--who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams."

~ Oprah Winfrey

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Set Lists and The Things I Need To Change

Current List of Songs I Play
lay down sally
loving you
forget you
one love
love is my religion
live high
my girl
girl i wanna lay you down
sittin in limbo
its a beautiful thing (original)
just wanna call you(original)
one day soon

Songs to Keep
Lovin You
Lay down sally
girl i wanna lay you down
its a beautiful thing
forget you
sittin in limbo
call you my girl
my girl
one day soon
my girl

songs i could add
ordinary people
put your records on
nothin can change this love
what the world needs now is love
sunday kind of love
lets get it on

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

At The Mountain Top

At the mountain top I was told there was beauty.
People say that love isn’t a word,
There is no language that can express it.
I am told that at the mountain top “love” just simply breathes.
And the breeze that comes from her breath drenches us in a feeling of who she is.
I’m told there is no religion.
That down here we call it false, impossible, wrong.
We give names to a feeling we don’t understand
As a chance to comprehend the unknown in a world where logic is law.
Yet the strange scares us.
I’ve heard them singing on the mountain top,
But you tell me it’s just the wind.
Could it be that my mind is playing tricks on me?
Or are we simply afraid?
Name it sacrilegious in an effort to keep the bridges broken or hidden,
But is it possible that the hidden is in front of us and we’re just told different?
We trust the words of our fathers to guide us in the right direction
So we don’t question
When we’re taught these lessons,
We only simply take notes.
But I know I heard them singing.
They’re calling me in hope,
So why do you say it’s only a breeze?
Is it possible to speak through the leaves in the wind?
Kindle a flame without your skin burning
And if turning away is perceived as wrong,
Then look within.
And if you’re still too afraid to ask why,
Then my journey just might be alone this time.
But don’t fear for me.
Because I’ll walk down one day to tell you I made it to the top.
And I know the one you choose to call God.
Beautiful and loving.
I’ve been to the mountains peak and all there was, was the truth
only a little clearer.
You see I’ve seen the creator.
She’s on the mountain top waiting
in the shape of a mirror.
And I really think.
That you should meet her.

If love were an ocean

If love were an ocean would you swim with me?
would you tred water till your arms are sore?
would you stay a float when the waves come crashing over us
or would you keep your eyes open.
looking for the closest shore to comfort your tired body.

i'll admit that love can seem big to anybody,
and haughty hearts may have heavenly yatchs of romance,
but those vacation cruises will never truly last past their arrival dates.

i'll be honest, this ocean is closely related to the sea of regrets
and the currents that brought us here
may lead us there every now and again
and yes, too much time spent in the water will leave us both with wrinkles on our fingers and toes
the sun and salt will bleach our hair to a whiter hue
and the reflection off the water may blind us if we stare too long.

but hold my hand and i'll keep you safe,
put you on top my back if the fishes ever start nibbling at your feet,
i'll build you a raft out of the ship wrecks of infatuation and the ties of lost rings,
i'll rest your head on this wooden refuge
and make you see that land lusters
have nothing over ocean lovers,
and a body in motion combined with flexible contortions
of two blending into some more than just me and you
is better than one that simply hovers,
looking for another to smile with underneath the covers.

your heart can never be stolen.
it has to be given away.
and if you want true passion you'll have to jump in willingly
So if love were an ocean...
would you swim with me?

To My Wife

she asked me if i knew what i was doing.
but by this time my mind has strayed so far from our conversation
i didnt understand if she was asking me about the assignment
or my life.
so i answered back with an " i really don't know"
because either waythat would've been the correct choice of words...

see i spend my days dreaming of a future that isnt so distant
where random instances of passion isnt so instant and imagined.
i'll crave for the day i'll be a has been
when those words are attacted at the beginning of...loving you.

because no i don't really know what i want to do with my life.
my destiny is always in the stages of revise and rewrite.
and Yes maybe at this time...

my major is undeclared.

but if want to know the scent that flouishes you when loves in the air.
i'll be there to pinpoint the colors in your eyes
and tell you that i'll never give you anything less than,
more than of being alright.

i promise to provide you with the nesecities you need and some luxuries you disere, ill never be tired out by how lovin you can be. and the thought of Me being with Her
instead of with YOU
because youre over There
and IM over here
makes You wanna make HER bleed........?

i mean...

i promise i'll keep you smiling,
whether its with my comedy or romantics
ill never not show my antics
of affection and passion

see.. i would love to say that i'll be wealthy.
that i'll be a well knowned persona
that i've helped in the lives of many.
i would strive for titles of these any.

but when im 107( i expect medicine to keep us living healthier, and longer)
i want to just say...

for the past 80 something years and forever after. after my bones have disipated into the ground and a mound of dirt is all that remains of my remains,
when im standing at the heavenly gates and asked if i knew what i was doing.
i don't wanna be confused into saying "i really don't know."
when face to face with the creator and asked what did i do with my existence.
after a hundred years and countless blessings,
through tysunamis, tornados, valcanos,poverty and idoltry
and all the times ihad to search for something to call true.
at the end of my time, i want to reply...
loving you.

An Old Poem

Listening to the souless sounds of a so called celebration
i can't help but wonder...
is this what God wants?
a congregation of people either here out of habit or brought here by parents who come here...
out of habit.
hearing them recite these creeds and parable, i can't help wondering if the words actually matter.
i mean even a parrot can imitate its master.
i rather be with a pack of dogs and teach them there's something better than in a room full of a flock of mimicking fowls.

i know there are birds in this cage by choice. though few, i know of them.
and if you see them, pleas send them my way.
guide them to my door step and let the sing their sweet passionate songs.
because im tired of hearing mockery in the form of mimicking hiding behind a mask labeled FAITH.
traced with and outline of religion.
i know there's something out there and the only reason i've called him God is because i havent heard it said any different.
give me passion
give me soul
given me something that weakens my knees
give me something that comforts my fear of the "what's to come"
keep your brainless birds.

a poem i wrote in elementary

So i've been looking through boxes for my old year books and i found a poem i wrote in like fourth or fifth grade, i cant believe i was thinking like this even in elementary school.

I wish you made a painting
i wish you made a song
so everyone will know what went wrong

dont only make a monument of me
make it for all the people who live in fear

the song shouldnt only be for me
it should be for the families who hear the pounding on their doors at night
and the soldiers coming to take them away

dont make a painting for me
make it for those who shed thir blood trying to set us free

even though my death and many others will be a tragedy
it'll make the world who didn't say anything, speak out loud
it'll make the world who didnt see, open their eyes to what is wrong
hopefully in the future the world will speak out loud and keep their eyes open

Monday, October 17, 2011

I wish these castles were made of cards

We hide our love away in fortresses we used to call hearts,
 Club our fist against the door hoping someone will open up,
we buy affection with diamonds but the kisses are still spaded,
I wish these castles were made of cards,
Flimsy and easy to fall
But after the first animal blew us down and moved on to the next house,
 We assumed all wolves are bad,

So we build higher
 From straw to sticks
Sticks to bricks
Making sure no one can ever again penetrate this fortress;
we let no one in,
 Kiss with spades,
Expecting diamonds with no conflict
Clubbing fists away when they even try to reach for the door let alone give it turn

We hide our love away in fortresses we used to call hearts,
Thinking we'll find them laying around somewhere
As if it were lost
Forgetting we were the ones who built these walls

I wish these castles were made of cards,
Flimsy and easy to fall,

Yes it'll make a mess,
but if you're willing to play 52 pick up every now and again,

You just might find a good hand.

Friday, September 2, 2011

So Far...

         I've accomplished some amazing things this year; however I’m still slacking in what I can really do. There’s a lot more out there for me and I’m never going to see these things until I push myself to my full potential and then push even more. At 19 I’ve turned a spark of passion and determination into a burning candle... however it's still only a candle. I’m no forest fire yet, but at least I have a flame to start with.
         In a year I’ve gone from someone who could barely carry a tune to a weekly gig musician with TV and radio spots, I have somewhat of a buzz going and I have the drive to make even bigger of a noise. 
         "Men do the things they do to become the people they want to be". With all I have done I don’t feel like I’ve given enough devotion to my craft. I've come far but that doesn't mean I’ve come to a point where I can relax. In fact the farther I walk down this path the harder I’m going to have to work to get up that hill; there ain't no rest spot in sight. and this is all for my benefit... I’m going to have more and more opportunities coming my way and I don’t want the reason for me to let them go be because I’m not ready... I have to stop wasting away my precious time lying down with my hands on a mouse pad and put those fingers to some strings, keys, weights.. Treat my life as a growing story, one that can’t continue from sitting across from a computer screen everyday looking at what other people are doing. I have to focus on myself and my own personal growth. It’ll be hard, this is true, but very simple, I need to make the things I do on occasion into habits.
      I’m now 20, not everything I wanted to have done by now has been accomplished, but I’ve also had some amazing things happen to me that I would've never imagined and have done more than those my age and even older. I can’t go back and change the things I wish I did, but I can continue to create the life I want to live, and let the miraculous around me continue to happen whether I foresee them or not.

All Great Achievements Start Off As A Seemingly Impossible Idea