Monday, April 23, 2012


“We are Spiritual Beings have a Human Experience. Not the other way around.”—Oprah Winfrey
“The highest form of intelligence is the ability to observe yourself without judging yourself.”—Deepak Chopra
“The goal is to be the observer of your thoughts and not let your thoughts control you.”—Deepak Chopra
“The world is a mirror for us—whatever you say about others is really how you feel about yourself.”—Deepak Chopra
(To Perez Hilton about why he was always ripping others down.)
“When we judge someone else, we are really judging ourselves.”—Deepak Chopra
“If he can’t be redeemed, then neither can I.”—Oprah Winfrey
(Regarding doubt professed by audience members about Perez changing his ways.)
“I’m not going to be defined by my past. I’m not going to let that prevent me from doing good in the future.”—Perez Hilton
“You can never feel good about yourself by bringing someone else down.”—Deepak Chopra
“The past is gone, the future is not here, now I am free of both. Right now, I choose joy.”—Deepak Chopra
“If you are living a life of love and giving and receiving the best you know how—you are living a spiritual life.”—Oprah Winfrey


1.) “When you’re feeling upset or out of control of your thoughts, STOP.”
S:  Stop
T:  Take Three Deep Breaths and Smile Everywhere in Your Body

O:  Observe How Your Body Feels
P:  Proceed with Kindness and Compassion
2.) Our Ego Profile is our Bio: Our Roles/Accomplishments/How We Think the World Views Us. 
Deepak asks us to create our Soul Profile by asking ourselves the following questions:
a.) Who are you? (not your roles in life, but who you truly are.)

b.) What do you want?

c.) What is my purpose?

d.) What do I want to contribute?
(Oprah said it took her two days to answer those questions when she went to India to study with Deepak—especially the first two. Deepak asked about ten questions to ask yourself. You’ll have to watch the class to get them all—he was going too fast for me to get them all down!)
3.) When making a decision, always ask yourself, “Will it make me happy and will it make others happy as well?”
4.) Write out your story or any story you want to happen from now through the next five years. Where are you or what is the story in five years?

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