In a year I’ve gone from someone who could barely carry a tune to a weekly gig musician with TV and radio spots, I have somewhat of a buzz going and I have the drive to make even bigger of a noise.
"Men do the things they do to become the people they want to be". With all I have done I don’t feel like I’ve given enough devotion to my craft. I've come far but that doesn't mean I’ve come to a point where I can relax. In fact the farther I walk down this path the harder I’m going to have to work to get up that hill; there ain't no rest spot in sight. and this is all for my benefit... I’m going to have more and more opportunities coming my way and I don’t want the reason for me to let them go be because I’m not ready... I have to stop wasting away my precious time lying down with my hands on a mouse pad and put those fingers to some strings, keys, weights.. Treat my life as a growing story, one that can’t continue from sitting across from a computer screen everyday looking at what other people are doing. I have to focus on myself and my own personal growth. It’ll be hard, this is true, but very simple, I need to make the things I do on occasion into habits.
I’m now 20, not everything I wanted to have done by now has been accomplished, but I’ve also had some amazing things happen to me that I would've never imagined and have done more than those my age and even older. I can’t go back and change the things I wish I did, but I can continue to create the life I want to live, and let the miraculous around me continue to happen whether I foresee them or not.